It is our duty to ensure that the tenant is well informed as to what is expected under the tenancy agreement. This includes ground maintenance, strata title laws, payment of rent and their behavior as well as their guests. Every tenant has the lease verbally explained to them and documentation is signed to ensure that they understand the rules.


Shortland Property Management is available to both landlords and tenants 24 hours a day for any necessary repairs. This enables us to keep control of repairs and costs. We will have maintenance workers on standby (or you can use your own tradesmen) to carry out any repairs that are necessary. Repairs are monitored closely and action is taken according to your instructions. The owner will be contacted for all repairs therefore we ask that all contact numbers are supplied to our agency. If we are unable to contact you and it is an emergency, Shortland Property Management out of necessity will attend to the matter and inform you in writing. Payments of repairs are deducted from the rental income, a copy of the invoice attached to your statement.

(When carrying out inspections, all care is given to detail. Maintenance requirements will be passed on immediately, however it must be noted that we are not licensed builders and should not be relied upon as such. Shortland Property Management also suggests having the electricity, plumbing, pest control and construction of your building checked on a regular basis.


Shortland Property Management will arrange payment of your water rates, council rates, body corporate levies. Shortland Property Management will automatically invoice the tenant for any water usage charges where possible. We will then have your tenant reimburse the water usage and this will show on your statement.


Every month, Shortland Property Management prepares and forwards to you a detailed rental statement for your property including all incoming and outgoing disbursements. Your rent monies will automatically be deposited into a nominated Bank Account. Rent monies can be automatically deposited on the 17th and 27th of every month.

At the end of each financial year we will forward to you a “profit and loss statement” detailing the income and expenditure for each individual property you own. This report is a consolidation of your monthly statements and provides easier accounting for your taxation purposes.


We prepare all the necessary documentation and arrange signatures for the Residential Tenancy Agreement and lodgment of the bond form. A copy of the agreement and a detailed condition report will be sent to you. The tenancy agreement and condition report are explained to the tenant verbally before signing the lease.

Shortland Property Management ensures that all of the legal requirements under the various pieces of government legislation are complied with and that the tenancy agreement prepared by us is legally correct and binding.


Shortland Property Management provides a daily “arrears report” which is acted upon immediately. The tenants in arrears are contacted and followed up with verbal and written instruction to rectify their rental arrears. A warning is issued explaining that if they fail to pay they will be served with a Termination Notice. A Termination Notice is issued when a tenant is fourteen (14) days is arrears. This is usually a sufficient incentive to get most tenants to pay their rent. However, should this warning fail to bring result, we will contact the landlord to discuss the matter as to further termination proceedings.

If a tenant is five (5) days in arrears the owner is notified in writing explaining the arrears!


Tenants pay rent at any National Bank in Australia. Rent can be organized to be directly debited from the tenant’s bank account (with the tenant’s permission). Rent can also be paid via the Internet. Rent can also be paid via phone banking, BP banking and at any Post Office in Australia. We are also connected to Centrelink and have rent directly debited to Shortland Property Management.


Shortland Property Management includes an initial inspection carried out eight (8) weeks after the new tenants have occupied your premises. We are allowed four (4) inspections per year and depending on how the tenant is maintaining the property we will take into consideration the tenant’s privacy by completing fewer inspections.

We provided a written report advising you of the condition of your property and any recommended maintenance work that may be required to keep your investment in top condition that guarantees you a maximum return. Any comments on the report are welcomed. We also do drive pass inspections periodically.


Shortland Property Management keeps an update on the rental market. Every six (6) to twelve (12) months. We assess the rental on your property taking into account the current rental market, the vacancy factor in the area, the general condition of the property, and the quality of the tenant and the length of their tenancy.


1ST May, 2006 it is illegal not to have a smoke detector at the premises, how many smoke detectors are determined on the size of the home. Qualified electricians are qualified to specify how many should be installed at your property.

We have installed in all our properties hard wired smoke detectors with a back up battery that is changed every 12 months. Ordinary battery smoke detectors the battery is to be changed before a new tenancy and frequently throughout tenancy. In the long run it is a lot cheaper to install an electric smoke detector and less maintenance.